Friday, November 9, 2018

Time Sensitive Situation Update

Delta Option plan has triggered many different and strong responses and thus requires a little clarification. 

First, the general plan for the Event has remained the same. Delta Option covers only certain aspects of pre-Event operations.

Second, the main aim of the Light Forces is to minimize suffering on the planet and to decrease the level of violence, and Delta Option plan will be activated ONLY as a last resort when all other more peaceful options have failed. The probability of this happening oscillates from moment to moment, but the Resistance estimates the probability for the Delta option decreasing in the long term as the situation stabilizes.

There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes in the last few days and this article is partially correct:

The Resistance has not been as active on the surface as it is now since early 2000s.

On a very positive note, I have received certain awesome intel on the level I did not receive since the year 2000, from a very high and reliable source.

I can just say that the amazing future we have been fighting for is real, and will happen. Replicators, free energy, interstellar travel, the Golden Age, all this is awaiting us. Trillions upon trillions of dollars are spent by the Cabal every year to give us the impression that nothing has changed and nothing every will. When this Truman show falls apart, you will all be amazed.

Until then, instead of falling into a black hole of despair and passivity, you can use this book as a tool to go through an inner transformation and experience a better life: 

You need to understand that if you wish to make your life better, you need to do 80% of the work yourself so the Light forces can help you with the remaining 20%.


On November 11th, a very important portal will open with a lot of activity of the Pleiadian fleet.

On the same day, there will be a  Putin-Trump meeting in Paris with members of the surface Alliance and Resistance agents present. Certain backdoor negotiations about the future of or planet will be taking place there:

There will be many mass meditations organized by various groups taking place on that day and you can join them if you feel so guided:

Light forces have communicated that a mass meditation that would focus on bringing Light to negotiations in Paris on the November 11th would be very welcome, as important decisions for the future of the planet will be made there.

Victory of the Light!

A Message to a Certain Group

A second basement DOES exist, although the waitress denied it

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Delta Option

The situation on the surface of the planet has reached the boiling point.

On one hand we have Dark Forces having almost unlimited free reign on the surface of the planet, on the other hand we have the Light Forces having big problems in removing the toplet bombs soon enough.

Dark Forces are sabotaging positive initiatives to break through the Quarantine and commercial space travel can not begin, even though technology to make it happen is here in public domain for 70 years already:

Soft disclosure is not enough anymore:

Awakened members of the surface population are finally stopping waiting for the Event and are taking their own life in their own hands:

The Event will come when it will come, until then we need to do whatever we can to create better life conditions for ourselves and our loved ones, and do whatever is in our power to accelerate the planetary liberation process.

The truth is that the Cabal went too far and the Light Forces are not doing enough stopping it.

Certain factions in the Alliance and certain Agarthan factions are losing patience and are planning to take the surface of the planet from the clutches of the Cabal with military action. This could lead to serious consequences and could potentially lead to a war that would wipe out humanity and make the surface of the planet uninhabitable.

To prevent this from happening, the Resistance Movement has created a certain emergency plan, called Delta Option. I will reveal about Delta Option plan as much as I can:

Instead of waiting for the optimal conditions with toplet bombs removed and non-physical Archons removed, a certain “special forces group” would initiate removal of some factions of the Cabal within USA only. None of the Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit members would be touched in this operation. They would keep a low profile and show a friendly face. All other factions of the Cabal within USA would be taken care of. “Special forces group” would provide tactical support for Positive Military to carry out the operation. Mass media would be freed from the Rothschild control and US dollar would collapse. Limited disclosure would begin immediately.
This change within USA would trigger a strong international reaction and we would have an unstable and chaotic transition towards the Event. Worldwide financial system would go through extreme volatility, but would most likely not collapse. There would be a worldwide purge of lower Cabal members. Mass media worldwide would gradually release more and more intel. Definitely there would me much more intel coming forth about the matrix we live in:

The whole situation would then first slowly, and then not so slowly accelerate into the Event.

Nothing can be said about removal of Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit members under Delta Option plan at this point. Removal of the Cabal factions mentioned above and full disclosure can happen only when all toplet bombs are removed.

Please be aware that Delta Option does NOT mean Delta timeline.

There is one huge aspect of Delta Option plan which must remain classified for now.

Final decision whether Delta Option will be implemented or not, has not been made yet. Less stable and worse the situation within USA is, more probable Delta Option becomes. The Jesuits are trying to polarize the situation within USA with artificial left/right political divide. Actions of Jesuits in the coming months will be one of the key factors in how the planetary situation unfolds. Their actions need to be monitored closely.

Militarily, the Resistance is preparing for the possible upheaval on the surface and has received reinforcements from the bases throughout the Solar System that arrived under the surface of our planet in the last few weeks. At this moment, the Resistance is 140 million members strong, and that number may and probably will still rise significantly.

Before, members of the Resistance have refrained from coming more than 30 meters to the surface of the planet. With these current developments, some special Resistance forces are stationed only 5 to 10 meters below the surface.

Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who envision part of their mission being involved in the Event operations, can telepathically ask for a small Resistance base be built under their current living location. This request must NOT be communicated aloud and must NOT be written anywhere. The Resistance will receive a request for a base to be built under the Lightwarrior's house through a certain secure channel and will in most cases approve it. Those small bases will have a certain role in the Event operations. 


Not much more can be said, but something in boiling.

Until it boils, here are some videos to refresh your memory:

Victory of the Light!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

CITA ANNABELLA v9.3 operational


Pandora / GCOM in progress. 741L50 breakthrough, irreversible GHVBN failure, all P501 protocols fully enforced. MASTERPIECE v2.1 operational, M minimum requirements met.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Short Situation Update

Increased activity of the Galactic Center continues. Removal of the quantum Dyson sphere around our Solar system has accelerated Ascension energies coming to our planet.

These energies are bringing the energetic blueprint for the coming Golden Age:

For the first time since Archon invasion of 1996, angelic beings are returning en masse to the astral and etheric areas close to the surface of the planet. It would support the positive energy grid of the New Atlantis a lot if you would connect with those incoming angels in your meditations. The other meditation that can assist the New Atlantis energy grid is the Buddhic Column meditation. You can place Buddhic columns above any place or situation on the planet that needs healing:

These new Galactic energies also bring the activation of many Goddess archetypes. The first archetype that is activated is the archetype of Astraea. This energy will bring the New Renaissance and the renewal of high culture:

The second Goddess archetype that is being activated is the archetype of Abundantia. This energy will bring spiritual and physical abundance to the surface population:

Through the principles of overunity:

You need to understand that both Astraea and Abundantia are not just archetypes to be invoked, they are real Ascended beings that transmit powerful healing Galactic energies to the surface of the planet. Abundantia is assisting Saint Germain in his project of the financial Reset.

Increased flow of new Galactic energies is inevitably beginning to trigger crustal displacements:

Galactic Command fleets are constantly monitoring and stabilizing the tectonic plates and earthquakes with global consequences will be prevented.

These new Galactic energies are intensively clearing primary anomaly around the surface of the planet. No details of that clearing process can be revealed at this point. One part of that clearing process is that the deepest dark secrets of the Cabal are being exposed.

A reliable article with a very precise overview of Cabals' child abuse networks has resurfaced after many years:

Cabal's use of directed energy weapons is being exposed also:

Many countries are actively preparing for the financial Reset:

There is much happening behind the scenes that can not be revealed.

I might be able to release some new intel soon, and you are more than welcome to join our next Ascension conference, which will be taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on December 1st and 2nd. This will be our first conference in South America:

Victory of the Light! 

Project 501 Update

Irreversible GHVBN failure has led to full enforcement of all hyperphasic / VTXC protocols.

LSIP is not yet supported due to unfavorable grid ratio.

All surviving alpha and beta timeline fragments are in process of integration into gamma timeline. L3 sequence will be completed at T11 point with LSIP activation. L0 sequence will be completed at ECL2 point with possible PHOENIX KEYHOLE.

Minimum YXR requirements are set at PHI 2.5-3.5, P>0.8, THETA >0.8, VTXPOS >1.8.

Minimum GHVBN requirements are set at PHI 2.5-3.5, P>0.8, THETA>0.9, VTXPOS>2.0.

All other sequences are defined in MASTERPIECE v2.1 and remain confidential.
